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Regardless of your immigration status, it is very important to contact a doctor if you have symptoms of coronavirus. Immigrants who get treatment for coronavirus will NOT have it counted against them as part of the public charge rule 

Free COVID-19 Testing in DC

Mary’s Center offers COVID-19 testing for free at Adams Morgan and Fort Totten location only. If you are a Mary’s Center participant and would like to get tested for COVID-19, call 844-796-2797 to make an appointment. 


For Mary’s Center COVID results, please call: 202-851-3593 


You can also check with your local health department: 

  • Washington, DC: Click here or call 855-363-0333. Sign up to receive email or text alerts about vaccine availability here

Click here to find Mary’s Center COVID-19 vaccine & testing events in DC & Maryland

District of Columbia COVID-19 Testing Sites | coronavirus ( 

covid testing sites 11.2021.png

COVID vaccines in DC

Walk-up clinics and other options for ages 12 and older here:  

Mary's Center Walk in Covid Vaccine Clinics.png

Back to school vaccines for children 

Now is the time to take your child to the doctor for an exam and vaccines.

Vaccine sites for children:

Health forms for school:


Urgent Health Care

For medical emergencies please call 911 or go to the nearest hospital

Upper Cardozo Health Center
3020 14th Street NW
Phone 202-469-4699

COVID 19 Testing - Yes

Medstar Urgent Care

1805 Columbia Road NW 


Covid 19 Testing - Yes 

COVID-19 Testing





FREE COVID-19 Testing 

  • Mary's Center 

  • 344 University Blvd W, Silver Spring, MD 20901

  • Every Wednesday from 3:00-6:00 pm

  • Anyone can be tested. You do not need to be a Maryland resident or a Mary's Center participant. 

Flu Vaccines

It is important that you do what you can to prevent illness during the Coronavirus pandemic. Getting a flu shot is recommended for healthy children and adults. To make a flu shot appointment at Mary's Center, please call 844-796-2797. You can also make an appointment online here.

Non-Urgent Health Care

Mary’s Center
Doctor's appointments available by video chat or phone
Open for new or existing patients

Accepts Medicaid, Medicare, and most private health insurances

844-796-2797 (available 24/7)

Mental Health

DC Behavioral Health Department

Call anytime to speak to a licensed therapist and get referrals


Suicide Prevention Hotline


Call anytime


Help for adults in mental health crisis
(DBH Community Response Team)


Call anytime


For anyone in DC

Help for children in mental health crisis



Call anytime


For anyone in DC

Emotional support for teens (Mindright)

Text “Hello” to 886-886

Free (except for text message charges)

For people ages 13-26

Register and text with a mental health coach

Medicine Delivery

Mary's Center Pharmacy


3912 Georgia Ave NW

Washington, DC 20011


Monday-Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Free Delivery & Discounts 

([+18443706201]844) 370-6201

Need food or medicine delivered to your home?  
Call DC Mutual Aid:


Ward 1: 202-681-9183

Ward 2: 202-688-5812

Ward 3: 202-556-1315

Ward 4: 202-681-3098

Ward 5: 202-643-7030

Ward 6:  ‪202-683-9962‬

Wards 7 & 8: 202-630-0336


My ward?

Delivery of food, medicine and other items.  Only for families with COVID-19.  

Call 1-888-349-8323


Face Masks


In DC, it is now required to wear a face mask in the grocery store. It is also recommended that everyone over two years old wear a mask anytime they leave the house. Children younger than two should never wear masks because they could have difficulty breathing.

Here are tips about using a mask. Even though masks provide some protection, it is still very important to continue social distancing and stay home as much as possible.

Learn about making a cloth mask:


En DC, ahora se requiere usar una máscara facial en el supermercado. También se recomienda que todas las personas mayores de dos años usen una máscara cada vez que salgan de la casa. Los niños menores de dos años nunca deben usar máscaras porque podrían tener dificultades para respirar.

Aquí hay consejos sobre el uso de una máscara. Aunque las máscaras brindan alguna protección adicional, es muy importante continuar el distanciamiento social y permanecer en casa tanto como sea posible.

Aprenda a hacer una máscara de tela:


በዲሲ አሁን ሱፔር ማርኬት ውስጥ የፊት ጭንብል ወይም የፊት መሽፋኛ ማድረግ ያስፈልጋል ፡፡ በተጨማሪም ከሁለት ዓመት በላይ ዕድሜ ያላቸው ማንኛውም ሰው ከቤት ሲወጡ ጭምብል ውይም የፊት መሽፋኛ  እንዲለብሱ መንግሥት ይመክራል ፡፡ ከሁለት ዓመት በታች የሆኑ ልጆች የመተንፈስ ችግር ስለሚኖርባቸው ጭምብልን ውይም የፊት መሽፋኛ  በጭራሽ መልበስ የለባቸውም ፡፡

ጭምብል ውይም የፊት መሽፋኛ  ስለመጠቀም ጠቃሚ ምክሮች እዚህ አሉ ፡፡ ምንም እንኳን ጭምብሎች ውይም የፊት መሽፋኛ  የተወሰነ ተጨማሪ ጥበቃን ቢሰጡም ፣ አሁንም ድረስ  ከስዎች መራቅ እና በተቻለ መጠን በቤት ውስጥ መቆየት በጣም አስፈላጊ ነው ፡፡

የጨርቅ ጭምብል ውይም የፊት መሽፋኛ  እንዴት መስራት የችላሉ:


À DC, il est désormais obligatoire de porter un masque facial à l'épicerie. Il est également recommandé que toutes les personnes de plus de deux ans portent un masque chaque fois qu'elles quittent la maison. Les enfants de moins de deux ans ne devraient jamais porter de masques car ils pourraient avoir des difficultés à respirer.

Voici des conseils sur l'utilisation d'un masque. Même si les masques offrent une certaine protection, il est toujours très important de maintenir l'éloignement social et de rester à la maison autant que possible.

Apprenez à faire un masque en tissu:

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